Abdul Aziz Ishak, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Institut Teknologi MARA, MALAYSIA
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Process plants

TEST YOURSELF: Calculate the optimum PI for this non self-regulating (NSR) process.

1. Data captured using a paperless recorder

2. Data captured using a chart recorder

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1. Td = 4 s, RR = 0.03896 / s, P = 17.3%, I = 13 s

2. Td = 4 s, RR = 0.03891 / s, P = 17.3%, I = 13 s

Your answers should not differ much from mine.

F.G. Shinskey: Process Control System of 4th Ed. p99
For liquid level loop: P is between 5 - 50% and I is between 60 s - 600 s

19 July 1999