Research Projects Available in Process Control at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam

Project Titles Level Program
Years of studies
1.  Fuzzy Logic Controllability Studies on Neutralization Process M.Sc. EH780 Dec. 04 - Mac 05
2.  Fuzzy Logic Controllability Studies on Chemical Processes M.Sc. EH780
Dec. 04 - Mac 05 2
3.  Advanced Control Studies on Feedforward Temperature Control
M.Sc. EH780 Dec. 04 - Mac 05 2
4.  Remote and Intranet Control of Chemical Processes

Research Description

Fuzzy Logic Controllability Studies on Neutralization Process
The objective of this research is to study the controllability of FL controller in controlling three main neutralization processes which are strong acid with strong base reaction, weak acid with strong base reaction and strong acid with buffered alkaline reaction.

Scope of Work
1.  Design of a FL controller
2.  Simulation work
3.  Experimental work
4.  Comparison to PID controller

Fuzzy Logic Controllability Studies on Chemical Processes
The objective of this research is to study the controllability of a FL controller in controlling fast and slow chemical processes. The fast processes can be represented by liquid flow, liquid level or gas pressure control. While the slow process can be represented by gas or water temperature control.

Scope of Work
1.  Design of a FL controller
2.  Simulation work
3.  Experimental work
4.  Comparison to PID controller

Advanced Control Studies on Feedforward Temperature Control
The objective of this research is to design a FL controller for feedforward temperature control of an heat-exchanger unit.

Scope of Work
1.  Design of a FL controller
2.  Simulation work
3.  DCS programming
4.  Lead/Lag tuning
5   Experimental work
6.  Comparison to PID controller